Mouth Muscle Memory

Who Am I?

Hi my name is Kimi Nishimoto and I am the smiling face behind Mouth Muscle Memory. I am a Myofunctional Therapist, Face Yoga Instructor and Dental Hygienist. I have advanced training in Tongue Ties (T.O.T.S.) and Airway Dentistry.

My Mission 

Our mouth is the gateway to the rest of our body. How we use our mouth effects all the basics of life: eating, drinking, sleeping, breathing, and sex. Any dysfunction of the mouth or breathing is going to cause a domino effect to the rest of the body. By addressing how we do the basics and re-learn how to do them properly it helps the body heal itself naturally. Good oxygenation is MAGIC for our bodies.

My Picture

How to identify if you or a loved one have a myofunctional problem?

The 4 Goals of Myofunctional Therapy


  • Habitual Lip Seal
  • Correct Tongue Posture
  • Permanent Nasal Breathing
  • Correct Swallow

All of these goals work together to open your airway, this video will explain the general goals for each patient. However I customize each treatment to fit the needs of my clients.


And visit my channel for all my helpful tips and subscribe to MOUTH MUSCLE MEMORY


Common Q&A's

Question: Will Insurance cover braces twice?
Answer: Most Insurance companies operate policies with “Lifetime maximums”. so If braces are required a second time and a person has the same insurance, they would most likely be denied coverage.
In Short if Orthodontic Relapse Occurs, the average costs are as follows:
  • phase 1 orthodontics, about $1000-4000.
  • phase 2 orthodontics around age 12 to adults is $3,000-6,000. 

Questions: How long does Myofunctional Therapy take with Mouth Muscle Memory?


Answer: It depends on the age of the person needing therapy. Typically I can see kids as young as 3 if they can follow instructions and mimic exercises. For kids in the 3-5 year range we can do a Mini Myo for Kids program which takes about 3-4 months. 


For kids 6-18 we do a comprehensive program that takes 6-8 months. 

For adults we do a comprehensive program that takes 6-8 months. 

I also see families, if I work with 1 person I will see everyone who needs therapy for cost of their supplies. 


Question: How Do I Know if I need Myofunctional Therapy?


Answer: The best and only way to know for certain is to have a one-on-one consultation with a OMT (Orofacial Myofunctional Therapist) do go over your specific situation. As factors like age, development and other health conditions may determine the proper timing. You can always schedule a no-risk, one off consulation with me if you have any questions.

Question: How long does Myofunctional Therapy Last?


Answer: Mouth Muscle Memory Myofunctional Therapy is a comprehensive program that is targeted to a client’s individual needs. On average patients will find their desired results in 6-8 months. I will teach you all the tools you need to change your habits for long term success, so once you do therapy 1 time you will not need it again. 

Question:  Is Myofunctional Therapy new?

Answer: Historically, medical and dental communities were more focused on treating symptoms and not the root cause. However professionals in the fields of Airway Dentistry, ENTs, and Sleep Physicians realized that a program need to be developed that was minimally-invasive and able to treat a wide range of symptoms at the source. Over the next 80 years Myofunctional Therapy was the culmination of years of research. Today it is a medically supported treatment option that is rapidly growing in popularity and available in patients on every continent. 

Question:  What age is best for Myofunctional Therapy?


Answer: All ages can benefit from Myofunctional Therapy. Although usually children don’t start a program until they are about 3 years of age as long as they can mimic exercises and follow instructions. It is also to take into account developmental factors and other health conditions to find the optimal time for each patient.  Since I offer family packages, the parents can also receive therapy with their kids. 

Questions about alternatives

A lot of clients have questions about the invasive and reconstruction alternatives to Myofunctional therapy, so I wanted to put together a list of treatments and their costs that only treat the symptom not the cause.
This is not to mention if there are discrepancies in the jaw development, someone could need orthognathic corrective surgery. The cases here would be a severe cross bite, class 2 skeletal retrognathic profile aka over bite; class 3 profile aka underbite. Basically, the upper and sometimes lower jaws are cut and moved to line up the bite. The total cost for jaw surgery is $100,000. Not to mention the months of healing and post healing which is intense. For some, surgery is a valid option, I just know for me and my loved ones I would want to try all the easier options first. 

Teeth grinding and clenching will cause teeth to be broken, worn down small and flat, cracked teeth, root canals, many crowns. Remember that bruxism (clenching and grinding) are signs of lack of good airflow in sleep. A cracked tooth would need a crown and sometimes root canal.


Each crown and buildup without dental insurance is $1,800 ($500-800 with insurance) and a root canal is $1,200 ($300-900 with insurance).


The math is pretty crazy if you consider this: there are 16 back teeth meant for chewing; Coincidentally these are the most likely to get cracked or experience bruxism.

As a practicing RDH, I see how truly devastating it can be when the root cause is not addressed. Lets take  teeth grinding for example…Would you believe that it is not uncommon for a person who has been a lifetime grinder to have all of their back teeth crowned over the course of their lifetime. 16 teeth x $1,800 = $28,800! WHO HAS $28,000 Or all 28-32 teeth crowned in cases of full mouth reconstruction with crowns. Being preventative will literally save you a fortune. Get to the root cause, which is airway, anatomy, and mouth posture. 


The cost of having mouth  muscle dysfunctions, breathing with the mouth, and sleep disorders are very costly financially. 

Source: Blue Cross Blue Shield

Anything I didn’t talk about that you want answered, feel free to message me and I’ll be happy to help.
MALOCCLUSION IS ACQUIRED NOT INHERITED. Meaning environment, diet, habits, tongue posture, swallowing, breathing, tongue tie can cause poor jaw development and poor bites.